Look for money from the internet.. You the user search engine?
Had you counted how many of your times carry out the search use Google, Yahoo, MSN or the seeker's other machine? Definitely you can not count him.

Ever you imagine after we could information from the seeker's machine, we will also be given money? Maybe each one of our searches will get the point that can be exchanged by money.


we will get two profits: results of the search that is more complete because of uniting results of the search in Google, Yahoo and MSN. Whereas the second profit is SCOUR will give us money only by using their service. If we observe his site, generally not there is one that is strange with Scour. The service Scour of the seeker's machine works by means of bundling results of the search of the seeker's 3 machines of the giant that is Google, Yahoo and MSN into one page of the search. The difference is, in each page produced by the search is gotten fitur “Vote” in the style of Digg and fitur “Comments”.. How his system? The search for our key word of Google, Yahoo and Live. So, am just the same with us use the search service via Google, Yahoo or MSN. Only, SCOUR will pay us. This his difference with the site of the similar service. Click How It Works to further.
When we will be paid? We could $25 if gathering 6,500 points, $50 for 12,500 points $100 for 25,000 points, simple. How the calculation of the point that is given by Scour? Firstly, when you register, you will get 50 points. Secondly, when you carry out the search through Scour, you will get 1 point. Thirdly, when you give vote, you will get 2 points. Fourthly, when you give the comment, you will get 3 points. Fifthly, for each point that is received referral you, you will get 25% of their point. The six, when you men-download Scour toolbar, you will get 100 points. I am personal just register and try-please the Scour service. Only in several of my minutes has To gather the point, apparently too much am not difficult. We have been used to it do searching and browsing use the other service of the seeker's machine. If later have reached 6500 points, I will give update whether Scour really meet he promised to pay member him or not. However, if you feel you are not unfortunate him do something that has been normal you do in an online manner (searching and browsing) and you want to gather with Scour, please the clique link this. Who knows you even more previously get 6500 points and can distribute your experience with me here. It was other that the opportunity produces money through the internet..

Good job!

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